Donations will be used to support the activities of the organization and to meet the operational needs of the organization. There are no compensated employees and all board members are volunteers and do not receive compensation for their time. All income and expenses are managed by the Community Foundation of East Mississippi to ensure compliance with 501c(3) regulatory requirements. All donations are tax deductible.
Monetary and in-kind service donation needs include, but are not limited to:
Events (social and educational)
Equipment and Supplies
Safety and Training for volunteers
Website design and maintenance
Legal Consultation
Raffle Supplies – gifts for parents and the children
Examples: gift cards/certificates for an oil change, car wash, pet grooming, manicure/pedicure, hair cuts, grocery store, restaurants, photography session
Directed donations can be made through the Community Foundation of East Mississippi
Online donations:
OR by following these steps:
Select: Ways to Give
Select: GIVE NOW in Gifts of Cash
Scroll to find The SPOT and Select: DONATE
By check, make checks payable to Community Foundation East Mississippi (CFEM) and include The SPOT in the memo line.
Checks should be mailed to:
PO BOX 865
Meridian, MS 39302